Specialists in tailored solutions and development of your optimal product and automated production setup

TANIQ - optimization and automation for reinforced rubber products

TANIQ started in 2006 as a spin-off company from the Aerospace Faculty of Delft University of Technology. Today, TANIQ still uses many of the lightweight engineering principles originating from the Aerospace industry. TANIQ's objective is to transfer their technology to manufacturers in the rubber industry and help them to optimize their product designs and automate their production processes. TANIQ focuses on mandrel-built products which are difficult to automate in a traditional manner, because of the small volumes and large number of variety in parts.

Typical applications are dredge hoses, expansion joints, elbow hoses, pipe-plugs, inflatable packers, lifting bags, etc. TANIQ offers a combination of design software and industrial robotics which provides the required flexibility for automation of mandrel-built reinforced rubber products.

TANIQ currently works with manufacturers in Europe, the United States of America and Australia. TANIQ has its office and prototyping facility in Rotterdam, The Netherlands.


Our mission is to provide solutions to manufacturers of (mandrel-built) reinforced rubber products, which enable them to improve their products and stay competitive in a global market. To achieve this, we believe that smart and flexible automation is the future.

We develop user-friendly interfaces for our software and robotic equipment, which enables others to use our technology, without understanding all algorithms and other technology running in the background. By developing custom solutions for our clients, embedding their know-how as well, we provide them the opportunity to get ahead of their competitors for many years to come. We believe we can change an industry, one product at a time.

Meet Our Team

The company is managed by its two directors, Sören Blomaard and Coen ten Herkel, who founded the company shortly after graduating from Delft University of Technology in 2006. TANIQ’s office and prototyping facility are located in Rotterdam, The Netherlands.

TANIQ’s team consists of engineers specializing in different areas of expertise such as robotic winding, and software development.

The company is managed by its two directors, Sören Blomaard and Coen ten Herkel, who founded the company as shortly after graduating from Delft University of Technology in 2006. TANIQ’s office and prototyping facility are located in Rotterdam, The Netherlands.

Contact our team and discuss your project requirements